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Austin Ferrier

Phone: 817-521-8487

Austin Ferrier grew up in Dalhart, Texas, approximately an hour away from Amarillo. When he was seven years old, he moved to Cleburne, TX, where he completed high school. After earning his associate’s degree in business management, he made the choice to venture into real estate, capitalizing on his inherent knack for connecting with people effortlessly, be it friends or strangers. His primary goal was to help people with significant life purchases, while ensuring they felt comfortable and secure throughout the entire process.

Work and Skills
When it comes to his strengths, Austin has always been the type to go above and beyond. In high school, he was actively involved in football and basketball, exhibiting remarkable dedication to these sports. Austin would constantly be the first one to show up to practice and the last one to leave, giving his all to the activities he loved.

Now, transitioning into the real estate business, Austin is determined to apply the same level of effort and commitment. He firmly believes in the “go big or go home” philosophy, and he is wholeheartedly dedicated to providing his clients with nothing less than 110% of his effort. Despite his young age, Austin perceives this as an opportunity to excel and recognizes that his success is directly linked to his ability to serve his clients at his best.

At the core of Austin’s life, his family stands as the top priority, providing him with love and support. In his free time, you can find him playing basketball, country dancing on the weekends, or working on his truck. From delving into the mechanics of his vehicle to exploring diverse subjects, Austin eagerly embraces every opportunity to expand his understanding of the world and continuously grow as an individual. This quest for knowledge also extends to his real estate career, where he stays well-informed to provide the best guidance for his clients.

“After sitting down at LEAGUE, it was clear that they were more than just coworkers; they truly cared for and supported one another. Hearing about the extensive support they offer their agents, I knew it was the perfect place for me.”

Why Austin?
Austin is energetic, approachable, open-minded, and always willing to learn. If he encounters a situation where he doesn’t have an immediate answer, he proactively seeks the knowledge to assist every one of his clients efficiently. However, perhaps one of Austin’s most significant assets is his deep compassion for others. He has a genuine desire to help his clients to the best of his ability, understanding the importance of their decisions in real estate. As a young entrant in the real estate business, Austin finds great satisfaction in being a part of such crucial moments in his clients’ lives, recognizing that he has everything to gain from giving his best to each and every one of them.